Important - Changes to the collection of your performer as requested by theatre management.
1st Half performers
The theatre has requested that all 1st Half performers are collected as soon as they have danced. This is due to capacity levels and being able to collect your performer without blocking fire escapes.
The theatre only has one entrance and exit space for both the audience and the performers. The theatre is located in the basement level of the building and is only accessed by the four flights of stairs or the two lifts.
I had previously arranged for performers to be collected at the interval. This is no longer possible. The theatre staff are concerned we would cause an obstruction from parents coming into the theatre using the same route as the audience during the interval exceeding capacity numbers.
ONLY the performers in Show dances A17 - Matilda & A18-St Trinian’s can still be collected at the interval due to the timing of their dance from the signing in desk.
All other 1st half performers must leave after their last show dance.
Performers over the age of 11 years can leave as long as permission has been arranged for them to sign themselves out. Please complete this form confirming your performer (is over the age of 11 years) can leave the signing in/out area and meet you as you will have arranged.
2nd Half only Arrivals
Due to the above issues the theatre staff have requested that 2nd half performers arrive at 1pm (P1& P3 show) and 5pm (P2 show) promptly and wait inside the building, access through the side door. Where you will be met by Mya and some other DSSD students as well as theatre staff. They will take your performer & any allocated 2nd half Dressers via the side corridor. Parents will not be able to go in this way. Your performer will be taken to their dressing room via this route. Again, this is due to blocking the stairwells.
Your child can be collected from the signing out area at the basement level as soon as they have danced if a Unicorn. All other performers are to be collected at the end of the show once the audience have vacated the building. They can be collected from the signing in desk. See the photos showing you where you can wait until the audience have vacated the building.
Whole school performers
You will enter via the main doors as previously bulletined. If your performer is under 11yrs old, you will be required to collect your child from the Basement level – Signing In/Out area once the audience has vacated the building.
Performers over the age of 11 years can leave as long as permission has been arranged for them to sign themselves out. Please complete this form confirming your performer (is over the age of 11 years) can leave the signing out area and meet you as you will have arranged.
The website has a show information area with all previous communications, you can also see photos of how to access the signing in/out area (this will be uploaded shortly).
All show dances are now completed, and the performers are ready to show you how hard they have been working. Fast track tickets and allocated dressers lanyards will be given out in class this week.
Thank you for all your support and understanding with the arrangements to comply with the health and safety requirements.
Kind Regards
Miss Dena x
How to find the Signing In/Out Area