Code of Conduct
​The aim of these codes (each a “Code”) is to establish a set of guidelines which outlines the responsibilities and behaviours of Students and Parents involved with the Dena Smith School of Dance. (DSSD)
Arrive for classes, exams and shows on time, prepared and with the correct equipment as required by your teacher. Do not enter the class until instructed to do so.
Inform your teacher before the start of class if you have any illness/injury which may affect your training.
Look at and listen to your teacher when they are speaking and follow the instructions given.
Behave appropriately at all times do not disrupt other students whilst in class.
Respect fellow students at all times. Bullying in any form (whether that be Emotional (which includes Excluding), Physical, Racist, Sexual, Homophobic and Verbal (including written telephonic and electronic communications including (without limitation) on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or any other “Social Media”), but not limited to these), will not be tolerated.
Behave sensibly in the changing rooms/foyers/corridors.
DSSD does not permit the use of mobile phones students for taking photos or video unless in exceptional circumstances. This includes both from within the studio and from outside where it may be possible to see the dance class from a window.
Personal conduct must at all times be of a high standard and reflect favourably on the DSSD. Bad language in public or relevant situations is not acceptable.
Illegal drugs substances the use of is Strictly prohibited.
Consumption of alcohol is totally forbidden for students’ underage as defined by UK Law.
Personal appearance: should be appropriate for the circumstances as recommended by the teacher. Uniform, hairstyle and equipment shall be worn/used as directed by your teacher when training.
Medication: It is important that all medication being currently taken should be reported to the teacher. Allergies to any medication must be reported to the teacher.
Do not use choreography created by the teacher without their permission to use for other purposes.
Whilst attending DSSD you discuss with your teacher about attending classes elsewhere for the same subject due to a conflict of interest.
Code for parents
Encourage your child to Dance never force them.
Ensure your child is on time for classes with the correct kit.
Ensure that you or another adult nominated by you are there on time at the end of class to pick up your child. The school is unable to act as a babysitting service or to supervise the changing areas. Teachers cannot be responsible for your child if you are late or there is no other adult present who is taking responsibility for them. Parents/Guardians of all children under 8yrs old must stay on the premises at all times during the classes. The school accepts it has a duty of care to look after an unattended student in unforeseen circumstances, but should it be repeated or regular, necessary action would still need to be taken.
Ensure that the school has up to date contact (including emergency contact) numbers for you.
Inform the teacher of any illness/injury your child may have.
Do not interrupt the teacher whilst class is in progress unless asked to do so or in an emergency. If you wish to speak to the teacher, please speak to them at the start/end of class or arrange a suitable time.
In your dealings with your child’s teacher, treat the teacher with respect and in the same manner that you would wish to be treated.
Keep payments of fees up to date.
Bullying in any form (whether that be Emotional (which includes Excluding), Physical, Racist, Sexual, Homophobic and Verbal (including written telephonic and electronic communications including (without limitation) on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or any other “Social Media”), but not limited to these), will not be tolerated.
DSSD does not permit the use of mobile phones by parents for taking photos or video unless in exceptional circumstances. This includes both from within the studio and from outside where it may be possible to see the dance class from a window. Please note if the teacher believes an individual may be attempting to film or photograph a dance class, we reserve the right to ask them to stop immediately and delete any images.
Do not use choreography created by the teacher without their permission to use for other purposes.
Whilst attending DSSD you discuss with your teacher about attending classes elsewhere for the same subject due to a conflict of interest.
Breaches of the Code for students will be dealt with in the first instance by the teacher. This may include a verbal warning followed by a sitting out for a “time out”. The Teacher may also require the student to get dressed and sit out the class (staying in class if a parent or other responsible adult is not present. If the Teacher considers the breach (breaches) merits this Miss Dena will be informed.
Breaches of the Code for Parents by parents will be reported to Miss Dena and dealt with in accordance with NATD guidelines.
Sanctions for the breach of any Code may include a verbal or written warning or suspension from School activities. The School also has the right to suspend or expel a student for breaches by the relevant parent of the Code of Parents.
The School will undertake to:
Endeavour to inform the relevant parent/guardian at once if their child becomes ill during class and ensure their well-being until the relevant parent or responsible adult are able to collect him/her.
Ensure that the NATD Child Protection Policy and guidance is followed to keep each child safe.
Ensure all activities are properly supervised and taught and consent is obtained for any activity outside of that previously agreed.
Ensure that all our Teachers/Saturday students adhere to the NATD Code of Ethics and treat all students/parents with respect.
Parents have the right to:
Make a complaint to the School if they feel that the School, Student or Parent is not acting in accordance with NATD/DSSD laws and rules
Make a complaint on behalf of their child to the NATD.
DSSD 2023